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Start-to-Finish Claims Management

Claims Happen

We’re ready to manage any claim, but preventing claims from happening is our first priority. Our in-house claims staff and General Counsel can advise you on how to handle issues before they escalate or you put yourself at risk.

Of course, claims happen. From the time you alert us to the situation through resolution, we manage the entire process and keep you fully informed at each step in the process.


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We’re Here For You

When liability issues arise, it can be hard to know how to respond. That’s why we’re here. You can call us anytime to discuss how to protect yourself and handle issues before they escalate. Should a covered claim or lawsuit be filed, we’ll manage the entire process in partnership with you, including assigning an experienced defense attorney.

As a CIRSA member, you have a personal representative who knows you, your entity and your community. Our staff of experts are versed in Colorado workers’ compensation and liability laws. Whether you are considering taking an action that you think might create exposure or need to respond to a claim, our team is ready to advise or go to bat for you.

Get Advice

Through our pre-claim consultation service, we’ll help you resolve just about any issue—no matter how sensitive or complex—before it turns into a claim. By calling our free Liability Hotline at (800)-228-7136, you can consult with our General Counsel on a variety of liability-related topics, including:

Liability-Related Topics

Employment Issues

Americans with Disabilities Act

Elected Officials Topics

Marijuana Regulation Issues

Home Rule Issues

Land Use Liability

Law Enforcement Liability

We Are Here To Help

If you have questions about a potential claim, claim filing, or accessing our claims system, a member of our Claims Department would be happy to assist you!


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