Protection and Prevention Programs
Coverage, services and access to education.

Coverage For Colorado
When it comes to insuring Colorado’s municipalities and public entities, a basic policy doesn’t cut it. We work exclusively in Colorado and have four decades of experience assisting members in handling claims, improving safety, preventing losses, and managing the cost of risk. Our coverages and services are specifically designed for the unique and ever-changing needs of our membership.
New technologies, and changes to culture and climate, create new risks. We are constantly evolving our programs not only to keep pace but to anticipate risks that the future will bring. And, if there’s a type of coverage you need that we don’t already have, we will work with you to make it happen.
Coverage OptionsLegal Training & Assistance
CIRSA provides legal training to councils, boards, commissions, and staff on various liability-related topics upon request. These trainings are free to members and can be conducted in person or via virtual meeting. Training topics include: personal liability for elected and appointed officials, conduct of quasi-judicial proceedings, employment issues, Governmental Immunity Act, harassment and bullying prevention, supervisory skills, contract issues, transparency laws, ethics requirements, and many others.
Members have access to CIRSA’s General Counsel, Sam Light, for free consultation and assistance on liability-related issues before they become claims through our Liability Hotline. Members can also schedule a liability consultation or training with Sam through the Online Scheduler.
Risk Control Services
Membership in CIRSA entitles members to risk control services designed to prevent and minimize individual and pool-wide losses. CIRSA’s Risk Control Department is recognized nationally as a leader in innovative and exemplary risk control services. It has been proven that a commitment to risk control yields significant benefits in the form of lower costs associated with public entity risks.
Our experienced staff is dedicated to assisting our members in implementing their own risk control programs, integrating best practices into operations, and establishing a positive safety culture.
Claims Administrative Services
Our in-house claims specialists and legal counsel provide expert claims administration services to help you mitigate your risks. The CIRSA Claims Department is available to our members 24/7. A member of the CIRSA claims staff is always on-call, and a backup system is in place for timely response to emergency calls. In addition to complete claims administration, the CIRSA Claims Department provides the following services:
- Litigation Management Program
- Claims Recovery & Reports
- Property Inspection
- File/Monitor Equipment Breakdown Claim
- Member Self-Administration Portal
- Annual Claim Reviews
- And many more!
Law Enforcement Endowment Program
The objective of the CIRSA Law Enforcement Endowment Fund is to provide financial support to CIRSA members—beyond the current law enforcement trainings, roundtables, and resources CIRSA’s Risk Control team already provides—to promote excellence in law enforcement practices and procedures, with the goal of reducing law enforcement risks.
To be considered for an award, the CIRSA member must submit a proposal outlining a project, process, improvement, or system which, upon establishment, will satisfy a law enforcement or risk management related goal.
Our applications are currently closed for the 2024 year but be on the lookout for next year!
We Are Here To Help
If you would like more information on the coverage we offer or our scholarship or endowment programs, please let us know!