Our 2024 Workers' Compensation Audit will be available online through February 14.+

2021 Virtual General Membership Meeting Recap

2021 Virtual General Membership Meeting Recap

We held our annual General Membership Meeting on June 22. A total of 123 attendees representing 105 different member entities joined us for a morning of CIRSA updates and accomplishments, goals for the remainder of the year, and a presentation from Sam Light, General Counsel. If you missed the meeting, no worries! The meeting recording can be found here.

Sam Light’s presentation, Hot Topics in the Law of Transparency, discussed some current issues related to transparency, including the Open Meetings Law, public process for calling an executive session, website accessibility, and legislation around transparency and public employment. Click here to watch the video presentation and here for a copy of the presentation.

Of course, CIRSA Members can always contact Sam at saml@cirsa.org or 720-605-8002 with questions about the presentation or additional assistance.

We look forward to seeing you next year at the 2022 General Membership Meeting!

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