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Doing Due Process Right – Practical Tips for Municipal Leaders (Event Recap)

Doing Due Process Right – Practical Tips for Municipal Leaders (Event Recap)

Presented by Sam Light, CIRSA General Counsel

If you were unable to attend “Doing Due Process Right – Practical Tips for Municipal Leaders,” don’t worry! The training presentation can now be located on the CIRSASafety YouTube channel.

Municipal leaders have this unique, cherished power in local government to make certain decisions at the local level that affect peoples’ land use, licensing, and other “property rights.” Given the significant risks in this area, CIRSA provides Quasi-Judicial training to focus on “suggestions for success” and best practices for quasi-judicial decision-makers, which in turn will reduce risk for your City or Town and you individually.

To watch the full presentation, click here. The presentation slides are available to download and can also be located in the YouTube video’s description.


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