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CIRSA Motor Vehicle Record Guideline

CIRSA Motor Vehicle Record Guideline

This guideline has been developed by CIRSA to assist members with the requirements of the State of Colorado, Department of Motor Vehicles regarding their procedure for obtaining driver records.

To Obtain Current Employee Driving Records:
A member will have to complete the DR 2489 for EACH employee whose job description requires driving a public entity or town/city vehicle. The DMV will no longer accept a list or a single DR 2489 attached with a list. The Driver Information section should be completed. In the middle portion check the first box referring to a governmental agency under DDPA (Driver Privacy Protection Act); however, per the DMV also check the box for Commercial Driver’s License holder near the bottom of this section if the person has a CDL even though the instructions state “Check 1 Box Only.”

The form should also be signed at the bottom indicating the entity and requestor’s address. It is best if the request comes on entity letterhead from the city manager, risk manager or police chief. It is also advisable to indicate that the entity is self-insured.

The DR 2489 form can be found at the following website:

The search fee is waived if you state the entity is a governmental agency. You can fax the request to 303.205.5949 or mail it as follows.

Regular or Priority Mailing address:
Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Business Group
Driver Control Section
Denver, CO 80261-0016

Business address:
Department of Revenue
Motor Vehicle Business Group
Driver Control Section
1881 Pierce Street
Lakewood, CO 80214

Express mail address:
Department of Revenue Motor
Vehicle Business Group
Driver Control Section
1881 Pierce Street
Lakewood, CO 80214

Note: You can use any express mail service to send your information. However, if you want returned information express mailed, use only pre-paid express mail through the U. S. Postal Service. The Department of Revenue will NOT use Federal Express or any other type of overnight service.

Form DR 2559 is only intended for any drivers that do not currently work for your agency but may be used to check driver histories during the hiring process.

Direct third party access to records can be requested by contacting This will allow anyone that has granted access to retrieve the driver records themselves without the wait time. Other companies also provide driver MVR services. If contracting with a company for MVR services, the contract should appropriately address any applicable Fair Credit Reporting Act requirements. Additionally, if your entity’s policy is to conduct periodic checks of driving records of employees whose position responsibilities include operating a vehicle, it is recommended you state this policy in your personnel handbook or similar policy.

Should you have other questions, please contact the Division of Motor Vehicles at the address above or phone: 303.205.5600 TDD: 303.205.5940 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m

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