Our 2024 Workers' Compensation Audit will be available online through February 14.+

Brower Psychological Police & Public Safety Services

CIRSA is proud to announce that we have contracted with Brower Psychological Police & Public Safety Services (BPS) to provide complimentary counseling services for Law Enforcement Officers. This service is intended to provide two sessions to CIRSA member Law Enforcement officers to assist in mitigating and stabilizing sensitive situations. Potential circumstances that may trigger activation of CIRSA Behavioral Health Sessions through BPS include, but are not limited to:

  • Officer-Involved Shooting (OIS)
  • Critical Incident Response
  • Line of Duty Deaths (LODD)
  • Disciplinary Action/Process
  • Suicidality
  • Familial Crisis
  • Substance Abuse Crisis
  • Trauma Exposure
  • Other situations needing acute stabilization…

BPS acquires the most competent and culturally aware clinicians in the business, many of whom have served in an emergency responder capacity before becoming clinicians. The clinicians provide a full range of evidence-based modalities to treat even the most complex mental health issues and co-occurring conditions.

All sessions will be confidential, though limited non-identifying data will be shared with CIRSA (i.e., number of sessions used for billing purposes and general nature of sessions – trauma, stress, etc.). Exceptions to this general rule of confidentiality are in C.R.S. § 12-43-218.

If your care requires more than two sessions, BPS can assist in connecting you with your EAP or other covered health care provider, or you can continue with your BPS clinician for an out-of-pocket fee. These sessions will exclude sessions requested for general wellness visits and those mandated because of a psychological fitness for duty (PFFD) requirement.

For additional information on the BPS Team and the counseling services they provide, visit their website. To schedule an appointment, call 720.222.3400 and be sure to mention that you are a CIRSA Member Police Officer.