Hazard Alert & Poster – Electrical Safety Exposure

Electricity is key to our everyday work and personal lives. With that in mind, we should never take for granted the serious potential hazards commonly associated with this source of power.

Read our Hazard Alert for more information on electrical safety, causes of electrical fatalities, and best practices to help reduce the risk of work-related injuries from electrical exposure.

The Electrical Safety Exposure poster is also available for download here.


Hazard Alert – Light Pole & Traffic Signal Electrical Hazards

Traffic signals, electronic crosswalk signs, and light poles are integrated into society to the point of commonality. They appear benign and thus considered safe, even to those who regularly work on them. However, many municipalities nationwide are facing the consequences of not having adequate infrastructure inspections and routine maintenance programs for these facilities. Read our Hazard Alert on Light Pole & Traffic Signal Electrical Hazards for information on how to prevent injuries to both people and animals.