Our 2024 Workers' Compensation Audit will be available online through February 14.+

2022 General Membership Meeting

After two years of virtual General Membership Meetings, we’re excited to announce that this year, we’ll be meeting in person in Breckenridge on June 22 at 10:30 a.m.! We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to connect with your fellow members over lunch, stay up to date on important risk management issues, and exercise your vote as a member-owner of our organization.

Board of Director Elections will be taking place this year with three population categories up for election. We encourage each member to send your Voting Representative to vote on behalf of your entity.

A not-to-be-missed part of this meeting will be the keynote speech by Karl Mecklenburg, one of the greatest Denver Broncos players of all time! We are also excited to provide presentations by Sam Light, CIRSA General Counsel, who will review the law relating to efforts to control incivility in various settings; and Jim Kilmer, The OPAL Group Partner and Division Director, who will demystify the complexities associated with cyber security.

There is limited space so please be sure to RSVP by June 14. More details on the event can be found in the invitation.

We look forward to seeing you at GMM!