Spring is a time of change. At CIRSA, we’re bidding a fond farewell to Chris Krall, who is retiring after 30 years, including three years as Executive Director. I’m privileged to serve as Interim Executive Director while the CIRSA Board of Directors conducts a nationwide search for Chris’s successor.
We’re also happy to honor Jo Moeller on her 10th anniversary with CIRSA, and to feature Craig Stevens in our regular “Get to Know…” series.
Workplace violence is a concern in every workplace, and we all need to be prepared to protect our employees and work sites. In this issue we provide some tips I hope you’ll find helpful.
And, last but not least, we are reaching out to members to help us find a new location for our Ice Driving training course. This year, warm weather kept us from being able to conduct this popular and valuable course. Please take a moment to learn about what we need, and think about whether you know of a site that we could use in future years.
Hope you are enjoying your springtime in Colorado! As always, please feel free to contact me at tami@cirsa.org with any CIRSA-related questions or concerns.