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July 2018

We held our annual General Membership Meeting in Vail last month, an event that brought members together for trainings, organization updates, recognition of excellent safety practices, and our Board of Directors election. We give you all the details if you weren’t able to join us.

Speaking of the Board…we congratulate, and welcome back, Grand Junction City Manager Greg Caton. Greg was elected to the Board during the meeting in the 40,000+ population. We caught up with him to get to know more about his municipal background, personal interests, and what interested him on re-joining the CIRSA Board of Directors.

Check out who this year’s Scholarship and Timothy A. Greer Endowment award winners are and how they plan to use their funds to focus on safety prevention.

Tami Tanoue, General Counsel/Interim Executive Director

June 2018
August 2018

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