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November 2018

November 2018

We are excited to welcome Linda Black, our new Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to the CIRSA team. Linda joins us with an abundance of experience, and comes to us from North Carolina, where she was CFO for the North Carolina League of Municipalities.

With the recent adoption of Colorado House Bill 18-1128 taking effect on September 1, 2018, cities and towns are subject to new data privacy requirements. Get the details regarding HB 1128 and CIRSA’s cyber coverage to help manage your cyber risks.

We recently launched three new humorous Safety Matters Shorts, adding to our video library resources to help minimize members risks and avoid costly claims. We hope you’ll enjoy them.

We advise you concerning an update to the procedure and policy for requesting driver records from the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles in connection with employment issues.

We hope you have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

Tami Tanoue, Executive Director

October 2018
December 2018

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