Municipal Clerk Advisor Program

CIRSA offers a free service to assist municipal clerks with specific job-related questions or challenges. Through the Colorado Municipal Clerk Advisor Program, you can directly contact a former city clerk for advice and guidance on job-related questions. Karen Goldman served as Aurora’s deputy city clerk for more than 30 years and can offer a wealth of knowledge and experience. She is available via email or by phone to offer insight on issues that may arise in your city or town. This program offers clerks a “helping hand” if needed and access to a highly knowledgeable resource who has experienced many of the day-to-day issues you may be encountering.
We know municipal clerks are tremendous resources to the communities they serve and oversee several aspects to a city or town’s success. Occasionally, they may face a challenging situation, which is why we partnered with the Colorado Municipal League and the Colorado Municipal Clerks Association to offer this free service.
We’re excited to offer this program to our members and hope it will be a great resource for our city and town clerks. You can contact Karen directly at 303.981.8022 or by email at with any questions, concerns or challenges you may be facing. Let’s rely on our network to help us all succeed!